Relations that Suck: The Story of Eva and Dries by Marilyn Yu
Copy Courtesy of Marilyn Yu
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A fable about friendship and destiny. Eva is a creative vampire who likes people and Dries is a traveling spider; their story portrays denial and guilt.
I really liked the fact that this was essentially a picture book for adults. Each page has a photo and some of them are haunting while others are silly.
I'm not that artsy so I'm not much of an art critic, but I found some of the photos to be corny although others are very nice. The story itself is a bit weird, and has a a sort of well that sucked (for the people in the story) feeling to it... as the title implies.
It's definitely something interesting to check out, and since it consists of mostly photos, it won't take you very long to look through either.
Star Rating: 3.0/5.0
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