I consider myself quite a newbie in the book blogging world so I'm taking part in this awesome event hosted by Small Review. Go here to check out the details.
It comes with a survey!
When did you start your blog?
I started the book reviewing nature of this blog in September this year.
Why did you start your blog?
I had been looking for a topic I could blog consistently about because I want to work on my writing skills, and well, I love books. That's the topic that's been working the best ^.^
What has been the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?
Trying to build an audience takes up way more time (at least subjectively) than reading the books or writing the reviews.
What do you find most discouraging about being a new blogger?
The ups and downs of traffic are really discouraging.
What do you find most encouraging?
The fact that I'm building some traffic, and there are some nice people that come around and comment on what I'm writing about.
What do you like best about the blogs you read? Have you tried to replicate this in your blog?
Hmm... I like what people have written for review policies and have definitely incorporated stuff for that. I liked that some sites have an index of just their reviews so I have one of those too... I haven't quite gotten around to putting together a list of challenges I want to take part in next year so definitely look for that to come out soon.
What do you dislike about blogs you’ve read? Do you try to avoid this?
I dislike music on blogs and some blogs have so much stuff in their sidebars that it takes forever to load the pages. I really try to avoid scripts/paraphernalia creep in my sidebar, and I definitely don't have any music.
Any advice for other new bloggers?
Things take time, and other bloggers are generally pretty nice. They don't bite, so try to talk to them. (I promise I don't bite either ^.^)
Anything else you’d like to share about your experience?
Blogging is a lot more time consuming than I ever thought it would be, but it's been a fun learning experience for sure.
Is there anything you’d like to tell us about your blog?
I am picky about my books so I tend to grade them very strictly. You will often find that my ratings are a star or two lower than other people's reviews. I really only want to say I love books that I really truly love and will recommend without any reservations. Thus, 3 stars is not a bad rating.
9 comments: Jump to Comment Form
great answers! I agree with u about blog traffic-it can be discouraging. But not to worry- ur blog looks great and u'll get more followers and traffic in no time :)
Have a great week.
Caroline @ Bon Bons and Reveries
Thanks for joining in! Your answers have been helpful to read.
You make a goo point about the ups and downs. Things really do seem to cycle. But, when they go down, it is good to keep in mind that they will go back up again!
Im one of your newest followers! I think your blog is great, hang in there!
@Caroline, Small Review, Melissa thanks so much for stopping by and for the words of encouragement ^.^
You have some really good answers.
Don't worry to much about the traffic just write because you like too.
I've notice it is time consuming but the friends you make doing it out ways anything. :)
My gosh, I love your answers for this. I'd probably pick some of the same answers!
I totally agree with your answer about traffic. Newer bloggers, and even older ones, can be discouraged by the ups and downs of traffic, myself included! I've had a lot of "downs" on my traffic lately because of school and it used to get me a little upset, but it'll get right back up there! :) You're doing awesome with networking and you're really quite nice. Plus, I know you don't bullshit me with your reviews, therefore your opinion is one I can trust.
Much like you dislike music and tons of sidebar crap, I dislike them as well. If a page takes more than 5/10 seconds to load, I exit and move on to the next blog. I mean, it's great to advertise, but really... Be nice to your readers with slower internet connection and don't boggle them down with apps and sidebar stuff, etc.
And lastly, hell yes blogging takes a huge chunk of time. When I started blogging, I did NOT anticipate how much time I'd spend blogging. I knew I'd spend a couple of hours a week, sure, but not how long I've been recently spending! :P I think this is something none of us anticipate before we begin, even if there are others before us saying that blogging takes a LOT of time. :P
I love your layout! It's pretty and its easy on the eyes! :)
The ups and downs in traffic also discourages me sometimes. I've been trying not to look at the traffic statistics too often though (I used to obsess over them!).
Okay, first off: I love your blog name :)
Also, I don't even know how to check my blog traffic but I'm sure I would find it very discouraging if I did know how to. Hmm, yep, it's probably better if I never find out.
I agree about building traffic. I feel like I'm spending way more time on tweeting and following and commenting than on thinking about content for my own blog! Still, it's fun to check out all of the different perspectives on book blogging.
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