Intrigues by Mercedes Lackey
Mags has gotten more used to the Collegium although he is still somewhat apart from the other Chosen. Suspicion falls upon him when he realizes he is foreign and the Farseers (future seeing people) have a vision that someone foreign is going to endanger the King.
I liked that some of the mysteries in book one were solved, and the characters stayed true to form with some development. Besides Mags though, there doesn't seem to be that much of a deep exploration of his friends' histories.
This is still a likeable book because it stays with the signature Valdemar tone although it's nothing special. There's a bit in this book where Mags goes out on the streets, which is somewhat reminiscent of Take a Thief.
Possibly the biggest issue I have with this book is the reaction of his friends. They don't seem to be supportive when Mags most needs it. The only one who is supportive is his Companion, which defeats the purpose of Mags trying to make friends for almost the entirety of the book. I do still want to read the last book though just to know what happens.
Star Rating: 2.5/5.0
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Edit: This is a Book Review Wednesday Post

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