Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson
Everyone has 1 Breath. You can voluntarily give up this Breath (you don't die, it's not a soul silly). Others are willing to pay for your Breath because they basis for magic and power. In this world, those with the most Breaths are revered. There are also living gods who receive Breath everyday to keep living. Corruption brews somewhere in this world of Breaths.
Sanderson creates yet another world with a very intriguing magic system. I bow to his ability. The technicalities of the magic system may be a bit much for some, but I greatly enjoy learning about new magic systems so it didn't bother me at all.
As with other epics, there are a lot of characters although Sanderson has a gift for making them all distinct and transitions between them smooth. This is lighter in tone than most epics tend to be especially because one of the main characters, Lightsong, delights in making a joke out of everything.
If you've read and enjoyed another Sanderson book, you will enjoy Warbreaker as it is classic Sanderson. His writing style has only gotten better with each book he publishes.
Star Rating: 4.0/5.0
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I like Sanderson, but haven't read this one yet. Sounds like an interesting story, and you're right - he always does an impeccable job of describing his magic.
@Sally if you're on the fence about this one, I vote for giving it a try. It's very interesting. There may or may not be a sequel eventually but is it a self-contained story.
The Way of Kings is on my wishlist - I really want to start reading some Sanderson, as fantasy and sci-fi were my first book loves. Thanks for the review!
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