Pic Unrelated!
I have been continually fussing around with the blog to make the layout better! You may or may not have noticed, but I thought I would update you ^.^
- There is a 'Jump to Comment Form' link (erm... it doesn't seem to show up if there is only 1 comment on the post)
- Avatars for comments work now. Before, they wouldn't automatically show when I chose that option for some reason.
- Archives are in hierarchy now! That seems to be the easier option to navigate. Any posts prior to September 2010 are not book blog posts heh~~
- Fixed the Review Index (because blogger decided to change my anchor links for some unknown reason)
- More posts show up on the front page!
I hope the changes make your experience here better ^.^
8 comments: Jump to Comment Form
Oh, I like the jump to comment form link! I also like that you added the avatars to comments. I'm so visual and I always recognize people by their avatars (when they change them I get really confused!)
@Small Review ^.^ The jump to comment form is there in the pop-up form, but not in the regular form, which I thought was weird, so I spent some time putting one in for this type of form~~
I like the comment form. I should do more updates too. As for your comment on my blog - keeping up with a blog is a huge accomplishment to me (should have written that one down on my list). I've had blogs before but they've never lasted more than a year. So kudos to you!!
oh I really like the jump to comment , makes it so much easier and the avaters is cool too
Really love the changes you made :D You're so good with this stuff!
Brush Up On Your Reading
@Angie and BLH ^.^ glad you like the jump!
@Nina lol, I'm only ok at this stuff. I can't build it from scratch or anything just modify it~~
You've done a great job. I recently did a huge blog renovation myself. I think it's in the air with the new year on its arrival.
@Nicole *blushes* thanks so much
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