Third Sentence Thursday is a weekly meme for glorifying the third sentences of these things we call books.
This week's theme is review the sentence from your current read. (sorry had the wrong description up earlier~~)
1) Take the book you are reading now and post the third sentence
2) Review this sentence anyway you want (funny and silly reviews encouraged)
3) Post a link to your sentence here or if you don't have a blog, just post it in the comments!
4) Prepare for next week's theme, which is going to be the same as this week's!

"Maybe at least he could understand what made him different." Like Clockwork by Bonnie Dee
This sentence all by itself is rather sad feeling. It's too heavy of a sentence to have a silly review for so I do hope whoever is saying this finds peace!
BTW enter my 150 Follower Giveaway! Also, I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas this weekend!
7 comments: Jump to Comment Form
it is heavy. The sentence I found was a bit on the serious side too. Check it out.
Brush up On your Reading
Very heavy, Check mine out:
hi Sniffly Kitty. your 3rd sentence is quite profound. i have a copy of Like Clockwork. now i'm intrigued! next on my TBR!
here's what i have for this week:
My third sentence this week is from Laura Ann Gilman's Pack of Lies.
Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust
twitter: @fangswandsfairy
Ohhhh I really like that cover, it's so interesting looking! And I want to know what makes him different:)
@everyone thanks for sharing ^.^ I've been a little busy today, but am coming around to read everyone's right now!
@Jenny mmm It's a big mystery throughout the whole book, who this person is actually although I found it to be particularly obvious >.>
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