Welcome from Follow Friday hosted by Parajunkee!
I'm not taking part in next week's hop and follow hoopla because I'm going to be going home, and definitely won't be online much!
Things you might have missed this week:
I put up a piece with some advice for new bloggers!
Third Sentence Thursday!
I had an interview with author Krista D. Ball! Also, check out the review of her new novella - Harvest Moon.

150 Follower Giveaway still going on! It's open internationally, and getting pretty close to having a second winner ^.^
Awaken by Katie Kacvinsky
Halfway to the Grave - Jeaniene Frost
Outside In by Maria V. Snyder

What are your plans for the Christmas holiday?
Eating lots and lots of food. Then sharing lots of presents, which are under the lovely tree. (I had tons of fun wrapping a lot of them as I mentioned last week heh)
Last year was the first year ever that I celebrated a real American style Christmas with a tree, presents, and a lively party of people. I'm still pretty excited about it this year, and will likely to be for years to come. The boyfriend thinks I'm like a little kid, and in some ways, it's definitely like being a little kid at Christmas because I've hardly done it before. This year there are even stockings!! (Can you tell I'm super excited? ^.^)
I hope y'all are celebrating in some fun way~~ For those of you that regularly have a big hoopla, does Christmas get less exciting because you've done it many times before?
23 comments: Jump to Comment Form
Oh no! it's still Th. It's and illegal hop/follow post!! I didn't see many 3rd Sentence Thursdays today. Silly Holiday! Gets in the way of our blogs!!!!!
Lots of great stuff out with the new year!
Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust
email: steph@fangswandsandfairydust.com
twitter: @fangswandsfairy
lol, I set it to publish today because that's when the hops usually go up, but I forgot to delay it until the lists actually went up because I was reading~~
Happy Holidays to your and your family.
Xmas Eve Follow Friday
The hoopla never gets old!! Hope you have a very Merry Christmas ;-)
Hoopla, hahaha. That's cute. :)
I have big Christmas parties sometimes. Usually with a lot of family. Rather than getting old, I look forward to them each year! I love spending time with my family, seeing as Christmas is really the only time we see each other. :P
Have a great, great Christmas ♥
Kristina @ Frazzled Book Nommer.
@Ginger&Kristina that's great to hear ^.^ *bounces around like a little kid*
Hopping through. If this is your first American style Xmas, what were your previous ones like?
Merry Christmas!
@Alison Christmas = Days Off = Travelling! Granted that's still a lot of fun, but this American style thing is pretty awesome too ^.^
That's cool that you get to stay home and have a christmas with trees and presents. Hope it's a good one. :)
This will be my first time spending Christmas with my boyfriend and his family. EEK! Wish me luck! :p
i'm your newest follower. care to follow back?
Reading your sentences reminds me scenes in some xmas movies. Have a great time.
Answering your question:
I just move to Manado two years ago. Not like in previous town, I was lil bit shocked here.
I thought be silent and peace
Surprisingly, Christmas eve is always full with firework sound.
They wont stop till the dawn is around.
Probably that's their way to celebrate xmas.
I love to wrap gifts!
Safe travels and Feliz Navidad!
Hey! Thanks for stopping by! I will be baking apple and lemon meringue pies this afternoon with my sister. I WOULD share but I somehow doubt that'll happen. :P Happy Holidays!
Carmel @ Rabid Reads
Sounds like you got great plans!! Have a nice Christmas with your family!!
Hi There!
Dropping by to say hi! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and I look forward to your twitter comments when you return!
Barb at Sugarbeat's Books
Just stopping by from Follow My Book Blog Friday! Hope you have a great Christmas! I've been celebrating Christmas for almost 26 years and I'm still like a kid most of the time! I love Christmas, it's my favorite time of the year! : ) Hope you'll stop by my blog too!
I hope you have a wonderful American-style Christmas! Enjoy your tree, presents, and stockings! :)
New Follower. My sister is that way with Christmas every year. She is always ready to put up the tree and wrap presents the day after Thanksgiving. I'm glad you are having a good time. Happy Following and Merry Christmas :)
Megan Marie
Christmas Eve FF
Here for follow friday! You have Chii on your page! I knew I liked you instantly, that kitty is just so darn cute in the anime :)
Have a great holiday!
It's nice to read your outlook on Christmas - yea - I'm a little jaded about the whole thing. My favorite thing as a kid were the stockings. We had a chimney and fireplace when I was a kid & I would leave out the cookies/milk and carrots for the reindeer.
Enjoy your holidays!
Thanks for popping everywhere on my blog :D i was pretty excited about Christmas too, and felt like a little kid again.
Happy Holidays!
Brush Up On Your Reading
This morning I thought your FF comment was way funny! Now, at the end of the day we have had a ton of snow and caused us great delay in our plans. Ugh! It IS pretty but really sucked driving in it! Merry Christmas and hope you enjoy your time at home!
Merry Christmas, hope Santa brought you everything you were wishing for!
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