Like Clockwork by Bonnie Dee
Copy Courtesy of NetGalley and Carina Press
Already Released
Automatons have taken off in this Victorian world, and are replacing the jobs of not only factory work but servants such as maids, butlers and nannies. The unrest leads one Dash to kidnap Victoria, the lady scientist behind the human-looking shells of the automatons. Little do they know that greater things are happening, and love can be found in the weirdest of circumstances.
I liked the premise of the story a lot. I was pretty excited about automatons and civil unrest being part of this story. The story though didn't really live up to its promise.
The pacing of the story can best be described as hurried as the author attempted to cram a lot of plot points into a small book. This led to a feeling of shallowness to the events which occurred.
I enjoyed reading about Dash and Victoria, but their romance and dialogues often left a flat taste in my mouth. Love at first sight kind of deal with some hemming and hawing for class restrictions, but no real depth to be found.
I will grant that this is a romance novel, and plots can be somewhat secondary to the mindless attractions of the main characters, but I can't help feeling disappointed that the ideas of this plot were squandered thusly.
Star Rating: 2.0/5.0
For an explanation of the Star Rating go here.
4 comments: Jump to Comment Form
I just requested this one on NetGalley :( I liked the cover and I haven't read steampunk so I was interested.
I haven't read any Steampunk yet not sure considering your review don't think I would try this one.
This sounds like it was a spinoff of Cassandra Clare's "Clockwork Angel," which also features humanlike robots. Interesting.
@Samita and BLH it's essentially a romance and not a steampunk, which is why it made me sad~~
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