Beyond the Shadows by Brent Weeks
*Spoiler Alert: If you haven't read the previous 2 books in this series, this review contains spoilers. You have been warned. Catch the previous reviews: Book 1 - Way of the Shadows and Book 2 - Shadow's Edge*
You wanted a summary didn't you. Something to help with encompassing this book. I can't give that to you. Not something pithy anyway. There's a TON of action in this book. It ties up all the threads that should be tied up and more. Kylar finds Durzo, mayhem, and more about how his ka'kari works. Vi travels to the Chantry, and becomes a symbol for change. Dorian becomes the Godking. Elene? Well, she learns a lot (I swear if I say anything more it reveals too much). Logan? He becomes what he needs to become (cryptic cryptic~~).
There are a thousand things going on in this book, and things you barely noticed in the previous books turn out to have huge impacts. Then, before your very eyes, everything gets weaved into a beautiful tapestry. Sure, there are some quirks, omg there are so many characters to follow, and this is not a book about fairness, but things fit the way they're supposed to.
You will get frustrated with characters and events because of this impending sense of doom behind the actions of everyon. The scale and scope of what unfolds and intertwines though is magnificent.
This is one of those books that are hard to pick up (probably because it is very dense) but once you do, you wonder why you waited so long to pick it up. This ending makes reading the series worth it.
Star Rating: 4.0/5.0
For an explanation of the Star Rating go here.
*This is a Book Review Wednesday post - go here to join the party.*
4 comments: Jump to Comment Form
Thanks for the review...Stopping by from Cym's Book Review Party Wednesday.
Stop by my blog if you like.
Here is my third sentence link: http://jewelknits.blogspot.com/2010/12/third-sentence-thursday-new-meme-from.html
Thanks for letting me know about it!
What a great idea! I'm going to put the meme on my blog, for sure.
Btw, I've given you the Versatile Blogger Award on my newish blog! Please stop by and see...
Deb/Your Bookish Dame
Just posted my first "Third Sentence Thursday" piece! http://abookishlibraria.blogspot.com
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