What has been dubbed 'Cover Couples' as you can see above, all of these covers use the same photo as its base. The list where I pulled this from can be found here so that you can peruse the various covers which look eerily similar.

Photo Credit: BBC News
An Indian granny in a region where female empowerment is pretty nonexistent who learned how to shoot when she was 60 and is still pursuing it and serving as an inspiration for a couple generations of girls to do so. Apparently, her daughter has gone on to win prizes in competition (first woman to do so in those competitions). Bravo to the change this granny is inspiring. [via BBC via Tamora Pierce's blog]
Ocean Sky from Alex Cherney on Vimeo.
Pretty freaking amazing time lapse video of the night sky in Australia over the course of a year or so. [Alex Cherney via Wired via Gizmodo]

A catalogue that arrived with a book this week. I thought the layout was really creative. Each of the authors of the books listed inside is introduced upon opening the catalogue and has a 'crime' that they committed.
3 comments: Jump to Comment Form
lol with the covers. I never noticed that with Evermore and North of Beautiful until you pointed it out!
The Ocean Sky video is breathtaking! Looking at the stars is always amazing but that was just amazingly awesome!
@Khadija weird isn't it? Also, I'm glad you enjoyed the video ^.^
Incredible video! And I love that so many covers use the same picture, as this explains all those feelings of deja vu! The catalog was very creative as well, so glad to know that creativity isn't totally dead in the book world!
Alexia's Books and Such...
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