Heartless by Gail Carriger
This is the 4th book in the series, and there may be some spoilers in the Summary if you haven't read the previous books yet. (Soulless #1, Changeless #2, and Blameless #3)
Alexia's pregnancy is making the vampires very very unhappy, and there is a warning of an assassination attempt on the Queen from a mad ghost. Alexia certainly has her hands full.
Heartless was witty as ever, and I had forgotten how much I missed the banter between Alexia and her husband. You would think that there wasn't as much story with a couple that was well established with all the YA books which deal with boy and girl meeting, but that is certainly not a problem with The Parasol Protectorate series. I have yet to get tired of the characters.
I do admit that the enjoyment of this book had less to do with the plot on the Queen and a whole lot more on all the dialogue, which I think is perhaps rare for me as I usually talk about world-building and character development. I definitely giggled my way through this book.
So, if you enjoyed the previous books in the series (I really do suggest you read these books in order as the relationships are built up over the course of the series) you should enjoy this one as well. I am definitely looking forward to the next book - Timeless ^.^
Star Rating: 4.0/5.0
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4 comments: Jump to Comment Form
I really have to read this series! Soulless has been at the top of my tbr for ages. Great review, and I'm glad the series seems to only get better. :)
I didn't read the post because I really want to read these books and you mentioned possible spoilers, but I'm glad to see you gave it 4 stars. My TBR is out of control. :D
Stopping by from Cym Lowell's Book Review Party.
I've seen this series around. I have to get around to reading it!
Thanks for the review.
Haven't seen this series..thanks for the review.
Stopping by from Cym Lowell's Book Review Party.
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