Sunday, November 6, 2011

Bad Excuses, A Break, and the Like

You may have noticed that in the past month reviews and posts in general have dropped off severely. I apologize for this lack of posting and such.

The main reason this has happened was that I was in a bad reading slump all of October. I only managed to finish one book during October - Song of the Nile - which was fantastic, but that doesn't get me anywhere in terms of reviews. This happened in part because school started up, and the full force of actual grad level courses hit me. Another reason was because my boyfriend and I started house hunting which has required a lot of meeting people, seeing places, and of course the surrounding research and learning. Also, I got slightly obsessed with a game called Glitch, and that turned out to be a free time suck of which I really didn't have much of to begin with.

The final reason for the slump was really because reading has become a bit like a chore because of the reviews, which in combination with all the other things made me feel overly stressed. So, to remedy the situation:

1) I have quit playing the game for the time being to free up time and energy to get back to reading because the lack of reading was definitely disturbing.

2) I have decided to officially go on a break from the blog for the next month (incidentally this is about the time until my quarter ends). I will likely write a few reviews in this time, but I won't be posting them until I come back in December in order to give myself some cushion.

3) There shall be giveaways to compensate for my absence when I come back in December. (there MIGHT be a Shatter Me giveaway just saying~~)

4) Third Sentence Thursday will also be taking a break until I come back since I want this to be a complete break from the blog for awhile. Fear not though, it shall be back and better than ever. Edit: this is void. It is now being guest hosted over at Proud Book Nerd. There was an announcement about that here.


  1. Get a good rest~~ :) I think November is just a stressful month, I'm feeling tired too lol

  2. I hope your blogging break is what you need to recharge your batteries. Enjoy it :)

  3. *hugs* *hugs* I will miss you! Hope you have a nice break :)

  4. I hear ya girl! Sometimes a break is the absolute best thing for us!! See ya soon :)

    Lah @ LazyGirl Reads

  5. I totally understand. I will miss third sentence Thursday, but believe me I get it. I hate when reading becomes a chore! Enjoy your time off!

  6. Yeah...I've had my moments and October was one of them.

  7. Sounds like a much-needed break. But I look forward to your return in December; I love your straightforward reviews!

  8. Rests are good! Take care, and we will see you soon! :)

  9. Since I have already written my post for this week there will be a post at my blog on the 10th. I would be happy to take on the hosting until your triumphant return.

  10. Thank you guys for the notes of encouragement and such ^.^

  11. Don't you worry about it! I'm the queen of not keeping up with reviews and such. I think it's because I have been reading Game of Thrones like crazy and those are some BIG books. You and I both can get back on track!

  12. Noticed that several bloggers hit a reading slump in October for some reason. Hope that you get some rest during your break, and good luck with the house hunting!


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