Wisdom's Kiss by Catherine Gilbert Murdock
Copy Courtesy of Netgalley and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Already Released
Three people are brought together to save Montagne from certain destruction.
The writing shifted through multiple different formats (3rd person omni prose, letters, play, 3rd limited prose) which made reading very choppy. I read through about the first 100 pages and really had no sense of the characters or what was happening because of the constant shifting so I stopped reading it.
All told, supposedly there are 7 viewpoints although because I never knew who was who because they also seemed to all have nicknames which were used inconsistently. The characters might have been interesting for all that I couldn't tell them apart.
Honestly, there are better and easier to read books out there.
Star Rating: 0/5.0 - Mostly Structural
For an explanation of the Star Rating go here.
I like the kitty on the cover. =)