Thursday, August 25, 2011

Bout of Books - Pile it Up Challenge

This picture is for the Pile it Up Challenge hosted by Actin up with Books in conjunction with the Bout of Books Readathon hosted by On a Book Bender

So here is a good chunk of the books in my TBR pile... minus ~30 that I got tired of carting to where I was taking pictures, and ~50 on my Kindle. I think it's prolly more impressive in person.... heh, oh well.


  1. Unfortunately, mine is bigger. I always say that I'm not going to buy any more books or get any fom the library until my TBR pile shrinks, but it never works out like that! :P

  2. I got tired of carting mine too! lol but you have a lot of good ones here. thanks for sharing - I'm glad I'm not the only one.

  3. Gah, this picture is giving me heart palpitations! You have so many books to get through! Of course, I'm a very, very slow reader so it would take me forever to get through all this. I'm sure you'll fare much better.

  4. @Sam I wish you GLuck!

    @Actin Up I think most book bloggers have this problem T_T

    @Aylee It gives me heart palpitations too! I still don't read fast enough to make a dent in the pile T_T

  5. So if that's your "to read" pile, where do you keep everything you've already read? You must have a lot of bookshelves! ;)

  6. I have a huge TBR list and my nook has at least 130 books on it to read! :) But your picture is mighty impressive! (I'm doing the Readathon as well!)

  7. Holy.Crap. I mean, I probably have about the same amount but your piles look so much more exciting! (the grass is always greener and all that jazz:)) There are a bunch in there that are quick, fun reads and I'm jealous you'll be reading them for the first time.

    Good luck with Bout of Books this week! I've been just blah about it. (4 books, 1 short story so far)

  8. @Flannery I'm only at 3 books actually :( although I'm almost done with the 4th one!

  9. Um, that looks pretty impressive in a picture! Good luck getting through all those. I hope you like Paranormalcy as much as I do :)

  10. Oh don't you worry, the picture is way impressive. You better get to reading you have some wonferful titles in that "pile."

  11. That is quite the impressive pile of books. I know the feeling though, I have way too many books I need to read before I allow myself to buy new books.

    -Michelle @ Book Briefs

  12. Whew! Someone else whose pile rivals mine! :)


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